Payment and delivery

  1. Payment method
  1. By cash

Customers can pay directly in company before receive products

Customers can pay to delivering staff of our company at the location of delivery as customer’s request.

  1. By transferring

Please contact sale department

Note: after customers finish the transfer, please inform the company through phone, email, faxes for conveniently checking.

  1. Delivery method
  1. Areas delivery

Ho Chi Minh city, Ha Noi capital and other cities

  1. Delivery time

Note: company deliver goods as customer’s request to warehouse, transportation company or logistic for delivering to other cities and collect the transportation fee according to each location.


  1. Guaranteed products

Company guarantee goods sent to customer are brand new (with receipt and warranty). Customer please checks the goods carefully before receiving.

  1. Contact Info

Manufacture & Trade CO., LTD Phong Thanh

Address: Lot B2 19-20, Road No2, Tan Dong Hiep B Industrial park, Di An District, Binh Duong

Phone: (0274)-627-1465/-1466/-1467/-1468

Fax: (0274)-627-1469



Hotline 24/7

Hotline 1


Sales 01
84 028 38155167

Hotline 2


Sales 02
84 028 38155168

Hotline 3


Sales 03
84 028 38155169

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